CBSE Class 10 Science Practicals play an important role in developing students’ knowledge. All the discoveries and inventions done by scientists have been possible through experiments performed in the laboratory. Thus, lab work is crucial for making the learning complete, especially for a subject like Science. The CBSE Board included the Class 10 Science practicals in secondary classes intending to make students acquainted with the basic tools and techniques used in the laboratory. With the help of this, they can successfully perform the experiments listed in the CBSE Practicals of Class 10 Science.
By performing the experiments of CBSE Class 10 Science, students will understand concepts in a better way as they can now see the changes happening in front of their eyes. Their basics will become stronger as they will learn by doing experiments. Not only this, but their interest in Science subjects will also get generated. Students will develop questioning skills and start thinking from a scientific perspective. Here, we have provided all the necessary details that a Class 10 student should know about CBSE Class 10 Science practicals. From CBSE Science practical to lab manual, project work, NCERT lab kit manual and important questions, all the information is provided in the elaborated form further on this page for Class 10 students.
CBSE Class 10 Science Practicals
CBSE Class 10 Biology Practicals
- Experimentally Show That Carbon Dioxide Is Given out During Respiration
- Identification of the Different Parts of an Embryo of a Dicot Seed
- Preparing a Temporary Mount of a Leaf Peel to Show Stomata
- Studying Binary Fission in Amoeba and Budding in Yeast with the Help of Prepared Slides
CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Practicals
- Ph of Samples
- Properties of Acetic Acid Experiment
- Properties of Acids and Base
- Reactivity Series Experiment
- Study the Comparative Cleaning Capacity of a Sample of Soap in Soft and Hard Water
- Types of Reactions Experiment
Also Check: CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Viva Questions
CBSE Class 10 Physics Practicals
- Dependence of Potential Difference Across a Resistor on Current with Graph
- Determination of Focal Length of Concave Mirror and Convex Lens
- To Determine the Equivalent Resistance of Resistors When Connected in Series and in Parallel
- To Find Image Distance for Varying Object Distances of a Convex Lens with Ray Diagrams
- Tracing Path of a Ray of Light Passing Through a Glass Slab
- Tracing the Path of the Rays of Light Through a Glass Prism
All about CBSE Class 10 Science Practicals
In the Class 10 board exam, Science practicals also carry marks. The Class 10 Science theory paper is for 80 marks, and 20 marks are allocated to internal assessment. The marking scheme for internal evaluation is shown below:
CBSE Class 10 Science Practical Syllabus
The practical should be conducted alongside the concept taught in the theory classes. In Class 10 Science, there are a total of 15 practicals in the syllabus. The list of these practicals is provided below.
List of Experiments for CBSE Class 10 Science Practicals
1. A. Finding the pH of the following samples by using pH paper/universal indicator: (not included for this academic year)
(i) Dilute hydrochloric acid
(ii) Dilute NaOH solution
(iii) Dilute ethanoic acid solution
(iv) Lemon juice
(v) Water
(vi) Dilute hydrogen carbonate solution
B. Studying the properties of acids and bases (HCl & NaOH) on the basis of their reaction with:
a) Litmus solution (Blue/red)
b) Zinc metal
c) Solid sodium carbonate
2. Performing and observing the following reactions and classify them into:
A. Combination reaction
B. Decomposition reaction
C. Displacement reaction
D. Double displacement reaction
(i) Action of water on quicklime
(ii) Action of heat on ferrous sulphate crystals
(iii) Iron nails kept in copper sulphate solution
(iv) Reaction between sodium sulphate and barium chloride solutions
3. Observing the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals on the following salt solutions:
i) ZnSO4(aq)
ii) FeSO4(aq)
iii) CuSO4(aq)
iv) Al2 (SO4)3(aq)
Arranging Zn, Fe, Cu and Al (metals) in decreasing order of reactivity based on the above result.
4. Studying the dependence of potential difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing through it and determining its resistance. Also, plotting a graph between V and I.
5. Determination of the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series and parallel.
6. Preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata.
7. Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.
8. Study of the following properties of acetic acid (ethanoic acid):
i) Odour
ii) Solubility in water
iii) Effect on litmus
iv) Reaction with sodium hydrogen carbonate
9. Study of the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water.
10. Determination of the focal length of:
i) Concave mirror
ii) Convex lens
by obtaining the image of a distant object
11. Tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence. Measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, and angle of emergence and interpret the result.
12. Studying (a) binary fission in Amoeba and (b) budding in yeast and Hydra with the help of prepared slides.
13. Tracing the path of the rays of light through a glass prism.
14. Identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed (Peas, gram or red kidney bean).
CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual
For carrying out experiments in the laboratory, students need to know the proper use of the instruments. This CBSE Class 10 Science lab manual familiarises students with the available instruments in the laboratory and informs them about the dos and don’ts while performing experiments. Teachers also explain to students all these things at the beginning of the session.
Each experiment in the CBSE Class 10 Science lab manual is described based on the following points:
- Aim: It explains the objective of the experiment.
- Theory: It explains the basic principles, laws or theories on which the experiment is based.
- Material required: Under this head, all the equipment, measuring devices and other material that is necessary to conduct the experiment are enlisted.
- Procedure: Under this heading, the steps to perform the experiment are mentioned in a proper sequence. Also, diagrams are drawn wherever required to present the pictorial view of the experiment.
- Observation: All the observations are noted down while performing the experiments. For a better presentation, observations are noted in the form of a table. Proper units are expressed for each measurement.
- Calculations: Calculations are based on observation using formulae. In some experiments, graphs are also drawn.
- Results and Discussion: The final result of the experiment is mentioned under this heading.
- Precautions and Sources of Errors: All the precautions that are observed while conducting the experiments are mentioned here. Also, the sources of error which arise due to the limitation of equipment are stated under this heading.
Download CBSE Class 10 Science Laboratory Manual
Students can download the complete lab manual from the table below. The CBSE Class 10 lab manual is divided into 5 parts. The last part consists of project work in which a total of 111 projects are suggested. These projects will promote creativity and a spirit of inquiry in students. Also, it will help them understand the application of the Science subject. Moreover, each project is explained clearly so that students can perform them easily.
CBSE Class 10 Science Practical Important Questions
At the end of each experiment, a few questions are provided in the lab manual. These questions are given to test how much students have learnt from a particular experiment. So, students must answer all these questions. Below provided are a few of these questions. However, students will get the complete set of questions in the CBSE Class 10 lab manual PDF provided above.
Q1) What is your observation when copper is added to iron (II) sulphate solution?
Q2) Why is sulphur dioxide collected by upward displacement of air?
Q3) How does the carbon dioxide gas enter the leaves?
Q4) Which by-product of fermentation is useful in the brewing industry?
Q5) Why are the incident and emergent rays parallel to each other in the case of a rectangular glass slab?
Q6) On what factors does the refractive index of a medium depend?
Q7) Why is it advised to clean the ends of connecting wires before connecting them?
Q8) How are the magnetic field lines of a straight current-carrying wire different from the field lines of a bar magnet?
NCERT Class 10 Science Manual Kit
The NCERT Class 10 Science manual kit provides activities on various chapters of Science subjects. The kit contains scientific and general items, chemicals, glassware, tools, etc. All the details of these tools and the methods of using them are described in the NCERT Class 10 Science Manual Kit. Various discoveries and inventions happened because of performing these experiments. Students will understand the concepts and synthesise their knowledge by doing these experiments. They can also connect the topic with the theory part that they have studied and discussed in the classroom. They will inculcate problem-solving strategies and group learning skills in themselves while performing the activities through kits. It also creates interest and motivates them to learn new facts.
To download the NCERT Manual of Class 10 Science kit in PDF, click on the link below:
Download NCERT Class 10 Science Manual Kit
Each activity in the NCERT Class 10 Science manual kit is explained in detail and covers the following points:
- What are the materials required to perform the activity?
- The process of performing the activity is mentioned in the steps.
- The final result that students have obtained by performing the activity.