Sir ! What classes do you teach?
Alok Sir : For four years now I have been teaching
from such understanding and appreciation.
Instead of giving an answer to the student's question,
We must prepare these students the best way we can.
It is a great pleasure to meet them at the institute and see them working
What are your research or other scientific interests?
How did you get interested in life planning?
Do you have any hobbies?
Alok Sir :Yes, I have several hobbies.
Friends , Send me your feelings .
not only because of his bringing truth to science but because of his excellent personality
without considering the well being of others and our environment.
Alok Sir :
Alok Sir :
"You Must Be The Change You Wish To See In The World," -Mohandas Gandhi.

A Special Gifts by Eralokkumar
Only For Mechanical Engineering Students
( A Collection of web pages in a single page) :
booktopia.com.au/books/technology/0 caddprimer.com/cad_software_vendors/books_mechanical_mcad_software.htmastech.library.cornell.edu/ast/engr
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www.coronetbooks.com/mecheng.html maag.ysu.edu/.../research/subject_guides/Mechanical_Engineering.html
www.buzzmag.com/engineering/mechanical freizeit.co.in/.../only_ebooks_for_mechanical_engineering-t3779.0.htmlwww.significantbooks.com/mecgr.htm
www.constructionbook.com/mechanical-code www.broward.org/library/bienes/lii13903.htm
Mechanical design and construction are two key elements of building successful robots. Some of the books in this section will provide basic knowledge to the novice:-
Mechanincal training on Pumps, bearing lubrication, rotating machinery ... browse this complete list of mechanical related books, e-books, CDs and software. ...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Western India Shipyard limited

WISL’s state-of-the-art Floating Dry Dock has a capacity to repair ships up to 60,000 dwt and to accommodate ships up to 225m. length and 32.5m. in breadth.
The yard has been designed and established in collaboration with world leaders in Ship Repairs. Functionally laid out and built around the gravity centre concept, the yard is 90% covered by lift and carry facilities.
WISL is strategically located at Goa along the west coast of India at 15° 25' North and 73° 47' East and is geographically best positioned to offer a complete range of ship repair services.

Western India Shipyard Limited (WISL) has a broad based Board of Directors (BOD).
The BOD comprises of nine directors of who seven directors are nominee directors appointed by the Banks & Financial institutions.
The Chairman of the BOD is a Non Executive Director from ICICI Bank Limited.
The Board of Directors has delegated powers to various committees constituted to oversee specific areas like Audit Committee, Committee of Directors, Remuneration & Compensation Committee, Shareholders & Investors Grievance Committee, Share Transfer Committee etc.
The Board of Directors of the Western India Shipyard Limited as on 31/01/2009 are as follows :
(1) Mr. Thanjavur Asokraj - Nominee Director (ICICI Bank Limited)
(2) Mr. P. Nagaraju - Nominee Director (Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd.)
(3) Mr. Ram Swaroop Nakra - Nominee Director (ICICI Bank Limited)
(4) Mr. Anil Malhotra - Nominee Director (ICICI Bank Limited)
(5) Mr. I. D. Agarwal - Nominee Director (UTI Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd.)
(6) Mr. R Gopalakrishna - Nominee Director (Bank of India)
(7) Mr. P.B. Gadgil - Director
(8) Cdr. Subhash Kumar Mutreja (Retd.) - Whole Time Director & CEO
Mr. J.C.F. Sequeira, Vice President (Corporate Affairs) & Company Secretary is Secretary of the Board.

P.O.Box No. 21, Mormugao Harbour, Mormugao, Goa - 403803INDIA
Tel : (+91) 0832 2520252/3/4/5/6/7 , Fax : (+91) 0832 2520258, 2520264
Gram : " WESTERNER "
Commercial - E-mail IDs :commercial@westinship.com , commercial@wisl.co.in

Floating Dry Dock has a capacity to repair ships up to 60,000 dwt and to accommodate ships up to 225m. length and 32.5m. in breadth. 2 Wet Berths (Vessels upto 300 mtrs.)

Overhead Cranes
Horizontal Lathes 12m bed
Vertical Turret Lathe
Floor Boring & Milling Machine
Table Boring & Milling Machine
Dynamic Balancing Machine
Hydraulic Press - 100t
Grinding Machines
White Metalling Facility
Radial Drilling Machines
Slotting Machines
Power Saws
Other Assorted Lathe
Overhead Crane
Plate Rolling Machine
Guillotine Shear
CNC Profile Gas Cutting Machine
Hydraulic Press 400t
MIG/MAG Welding Systems
TIG Welding Systems
Ship Profile Bending Press
Universal Cutting Machine
Universal Scissor
Circular Saw Flanging Machine
Thyristor Controlled Welding Rectifiers
Semi-Automatic Submerged Arc Welding
Overhead Cranes
Pipe Bending Machines
Cutting Machines
Welding Machines
TIG Welding Systems
Wire Winding Machine
Motor overhauling
Electrical Furnance
Captive Power Plant-2x1 MVA Gensets
Power Distribution Panels
Electronic Repair Kits
LRS & IRS certified hull structure gauging
Hydro & Grit blasting Facility with state-of-the-art equipment
Airless Painting to manufaturers standards.
Lifting Rail Crane - Max. boom-50 m-50t at 38 mt.- 1No.;
-- Max boom-70 m-15t at 30 mt. - 1No.
Mobile Crane-45t X 36 mt. - 1No.
Fork Lift-1.5t- 1No.; -- 3.0t-2 Nos.; 5.0t-1 No.;
EOT - 10/1t - 2 Nos.; -- 25/5t - 1 No
Cherry Pickers-5Nos. with 18 mts. lift
Floating Dry Dock
Mooring Ropes
Grit Blasting Machine
Airless Spray Painting
50 T x 5 T Railcranes
250 x 450 Bar HP Washing Machine
10 T EOT
15 T Rail Crane

The company has ventured into ship building.
It has extensive plans for expansion of its ship repair facility.
P.B. No. 21, Mormugao Harbour, Goa-403 802

Islamiah Institute of Technology is located in the heart of Bangalore, the Garden City of India which is one of the most important industrial cities in the country with a variety of large, medium and small scale industries. Bangalore is well known as 'Electronics City' and 'Silicon Valley' of India.
The climate of Bangalore is salubrious with a cool weather throughout the year except during the months of April and May when it slightly warms up. This institution was started in 1979,Our founder had foreseen the urgent need for high quality technical education in India even before the independence.
Our institution started growing from strength to strength in order
- To Develop skills necessary to shape future technocrats
- To propagate creativity, responsibility, commitment and leadership qualities
- To impart professional ethics and values along with strong academic foundation
- To provide continuous up gradation of technical education.
Admissions at Islamiah Institute Of Technology
Admission is open to the students for first year B.E. Degree course who have passed the two years Pre-University course of P.U. Board or any other Examination recognized as equivalent by VTU with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as combinations.
Those who have passed Diploma conducted by Board of Technical Education, Karnataka of Diploma conducted by the respective Technical Boards of the states recognized by VTU are eligible for direct admission to Second year of Engineering.
Duration of the Course :
The Semester scheme introduced by VTU is of 4 years. Each semester will begin and closes on dates announced by VTU of each year.
Overseas Students:
Overseas applicants may obtain the application and prospectus on the payment of Rs.1,000/- by Demand Draft payable to,' The Principal, Islamiah Institute of Technology, National Park Road, Bangalore - 560 076, India, and submit their application. The applicants will have to produce no objection certificates from the Ministry of Education, Government of India and eligibility certificate from VTU and Development Contribution will have to be paid in foreign currency.
Application classified as ‘Overseas’ for fees purpose will be required to provide the Institution with evidence of adequate financial Assistance of the duration of their course of study. At registration students paying overseas fees must produce a letter of Authority from their sponsors accepting responsibility for payment of fees or Development Contribution must settle their account on or before enrolment if self financed. Apart from any formal Qualification they must possess knowledge in English language, their command in written and spoken English is sufficiently good for them to under take the course for which they are studying.
Applicants of overseas residents should not in any circumstances leave their home country in order to attend the institution until they are in receipt of an unconditional offer of admission.
Conditions for progress through the course:
The course is spread over a period of four years and at the end of each semester the student has take up examinations conducted by VTU.
Eligibility and pass marks that are to be obtained are as per rules the regulations of VTU.
Application for Admission:
Application for admission to a course should be sent to the Principal in the prescribed form, which is available along with the prospectus on payment of Rs.250/- in cash / M.O / P.O.
Application forms should be properly filled and send to, The Principal, Islamiah Institute of Technology, National Park Road, Bangalore - 560 076 along with Xerox copies of mark list and conduct certificate.
General Rules and Regulations of Admission:
- The Institute is open to all those who have the required Qualification for Admission
- All admissions made to the Institute are provisional and subject to the approval of VTU
- A student who is found to have obtained admission by production of false records, certificates or such other misrepresentations will be summarily dismissed and shall forfeit all fees etc., paid by him/her
- A student at the time of admission has to produce a “Medical Fitness Certificate”
- A student is admitted to this institute on the clear understanding that he/she will able by the rules and regulations and maintain discipline of the institute
- Principal may refuse admission to to any student without giving any reason.
- he Department of placement & training was established as a separate entity in the year 1997. The Department started its activities in a humble way in a
Small one room accommodation, to cater to the needs of providing high quality placement services to the students of the Institution.Department Mission
To assist the development of graduates with balanced set of technical skills, interpersonal skills and with a positive attitude to life
To act a seamless conduit between the Industry and the Institute and provide quality technical manpower to suit every organizational need
Department Vision
Sustained Excellence in Training, Placement and Career Orientation
Department Long Term Goals
To develop the Department of placement & training as a single window nodal point for career counseling and Higher learning in Engineering & Technology fields
To set up the Training Infrastructure for conducting value added training programs and enhance the employability of students
To institute the best practices in conducting and coordinating the campus placement process for the industries in the institution
Department Short Term Goals
To build up a computerized database of students of all the branches with a view to service the industries requirement in a queue response mode
To acquire the services of competent training agencies to train the students in soft skills and personality development programme.

Creating a Center Of Excellence
Islamiah Institute Is committed to create a Center of Excellence that is well equipped for training and research with state-of- the- art facilities. The Institute also has many leading Academicians and Industry Captains who contribute generously with their abundant Knowledge and Experience.
Our ultimate aim is to feed the budding engineer with finer aspects of Science that makes him understand, exploit and innovate, thus contributing to the techn0ological advancement of tomorrow.

he department was started in the year 1979 when IIT was established. Since then, the department has seen excellent faculty members and is a matter of great pride to mention. The department is well equipped with well qualified, committed, interactive & friendly faculty members with the following specializations:
- Power systems
- Power Electronics
- H.V. Engg
The department was started in the year 1979 when IIT was established. Since then, the department has seen excellent faculty members and is a matter of great pride to mention.
The department is well equipped with well qualified, committed, interactive & friendly faculty members with the following specializations:
- Power systems
- Power Electronics
- H.V. Engg
The department has a good number of library books for the benefit of both students & staff.
The department is also committed to societal commitment and conducts training programmes for the under privileged, physically challenged and school dropouts.
- Metrology & Measurements
- Material Testing
- Fluid Machines & Systems Design
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Foundry and Forging
- C Engines
- Basic Work Shop
- Machine Shop
The curriculum of Mechanical Engineering includes cutting edge industry relevant technologies, which are updated in consonance with the changing industrial needs.
National Park Road (Bannerghatta Road)
Bangalore 560076
Phone Number: +91 - 80 - 26481774, 26484786
Fax No: + 91 - 80 - 26483271
For admissions contact: principal@islamit.info
Admission Information
Admission is open to the students for first year B.E. Degree course who have passed the two years Pre-University course of P.U. Board or any other Examination recognized as equivalent by VTU with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as combinations.
Those who have passed Diploma conducted by Board of Technical Education, Karnataka of Diploma conducted by the respective Technical Boards of the states recognized by VTU are eligible for direct admission to Second year of Engineering.Civil Engineering Department
To produce engineers of caliber, who with their knowledge and skill in decision-making both in technical and managerial spheres will be able to contribute to civil engineering and allied fields in optimizing usage of resources locally and globally, making the world more Eco friendly to live-in. |
To make the department a center of excellence for training undergraduate students.
To promote involvement of staff and students in research and advanced training.
To develop Multi media Resource Centre with regard to Problems and solutions oriented towards both academy and industry.
The department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest branches started in Islamiah Institute of Technology which came into existence in the year 1979.
This department has to its credit a blend of young and veteran, enthusiastic and well qualified faculty members. This department is proud to have contributed to the development of our institution in terms of Principals hailed from the department.
The Department has undertaken consultancy work in surveying, concrete quality, environmental engineering and low-cost building materials.
Computer Science and Engineering branch being the frontier in engineering field is given the top priority by students and parents during seat selection at the CET Cell.
The department is well equipped to offer consultancy in Computer Graphics, Visual Basic, RDBMS and UNIX system programming.
Department’s Long Term Goals:
To improve the infrastructure to achieve R&D activities in full wing.
To establish a product development center.
To have laboratories set up by industries and software organizations.
To start consultancy.
To create an endowment fund to recognize and appreciate the services of faculty members and students.
Creating center of excellence for E&C Engineering.
The Department has well-equipped laboratory with super-mini-computer from Sunray Computers and heavy-duty line printer.
To computerize the departments providing systems to the individual teachers; net working and provide Internet facility to access knowledge base wherever it is available (other libraries and websites).
To train the faculty and technical staff to utilize and develop effective teaching-learning modules and to adopt the modern trends in Education Technology concepts and media.
To update the department libraries to digital / E-library with relevant collections of CD’s for use by students and teachers.
Encourage teachers to actively take part in national and international level workshops, seminars and conferences.
To modernize the laboratories in tune with the needs.
To provide co guidance along with engineering faculty to the final year student.
The Electronics and Communication Engineering is a highly sought after branch of Engineering today by both parents and students. This age is rightly called the Electronic Era as every facet of our life is facilitated and controlled by Electronics in one form or other. |
The department was started in the year 1979, when IIT was established and the First batch emerged successfully in the year 1983. It was a Four-Year Integrated course as was other Programmes in those days.
Since then, the department has seen excellent faculty members and is a matter of great pride to mention. The department is well equipped with well qualified, committed, interactive & friendly faculty members with the following specializations:
- Power Systems
- Power Electronics
- H.V. Engg
The department has a good number of library books for the benefit of both students & staff. To mould the youth of today into engineers who can meet the technological challenges of tomorrow as follows:
- Communications
- Computer Related Subjects
Mathematics is central to an advanced technological society, and the Mathematics Department at Islamiah Institute of Technology plays a major role in its teaching and research.
We are dedicated to providing high quality instruction to all students who take a mathematics course, and to impart the best knowledge of the subject to those students choosing mathematics as their major. Our graduate program offers degrees in mathematics and applied mathematics.
The department is equipped with full fledged, experienced and academically-acclaimed faculty. In addition to teaching, the faculty are active researchers in their disciplines, developing new mathematical ideas and algorithms, and interacting with people outside their disciplines. As a result of our continuous effort, the department has been witnessing excellent results consistently over the years.
A sufficient stock of the apparatus is also maintained. The staff members involve themselves in the welfare of the students. In this regard each teacher is in charge of a particular section where they monitor the progress of each student regarding the attendance, internal marks and laboratory performance. If necessary counseling is done and even the staff of the Physics department is actively involved in Science activities under the banner of SCIENCE FORUM . The activities include invited lectures, student seminars, quiz, debates and lecture competitions.
To feed the budding Engineer with finer aspects of science, which make him to understand, exploit and innovate, thus contributing to the technological advancement of tomorrow.
To encourage the inquisitiveness in a student and make him to understand the fundamentals of technology.
To inform the student with the latest development in science so that he can exploit it for development of technology.
To imbibe in the student the idea that understanding of an atom is very essential to understand the universe.
Department of chemistry is teaching Engineering Chemistry (theory & practical) for classes of I & II semester Engineering (all branches) with theory & practical for III rd and IV semester Engineering students. Department produces good percentage of results every year.
In addition to academic and research activities, the department contributes its service towards other activities such as holding Science forum , through which it is arranging lectures from eminent scientists and professors, conducting competitions like quiz, lectures and essay etc.,

"The Right to Education Bill is only on paper" , Eralokkumar told IANS on the sidelines of an event here.
"It seems that the government is not serious about implementing the bill.It is the children of the poor who have been socially excluded from having the benefit of education," Eralokkumar said.
"SHAKTISHALI" Yuva Sena ( Youth Brigade ) started in a small way in 2001, coinciding with India's 50th year of independence.
It has grown over the years and now boasts of 1.5 million grassroots activists across the country.
In spite of its reach, the key people involved in the movement feel it has failed to achieve complete success because of a lackadaisical attitude on the part of the government to implement its own rules.
Three years after the Right to Education Bill, 2005, was passed by parliament, 50 percent of children still have no access to education, "SHAKTISHALI" Yuva Sena ( Youth Brigade ) members contend.
Around 40 percent of India's billion plus population is below the age of 18.
To make the Right to Education Bill successful, "SHAKTISHALI" Yuva Sena ( Youth Brigade ) wants it to be amended to introduce the Common School System on the lines of neighbourhood schools in the U.S. to make education easily accessible to the poor.
The bill says every child between the age of 6 and 14 has the right to elementary education that is free, compulsory, of equitable quality and available in the neigbhourhood.
HOW to be an Engineer
To be an Engineer One should excel in problem solving and if one does not, should try to do so.
Because Engineers spend much of their time in solving problems.
Enrich your problem solving know-how by practicing Math, Physics and Chemistry numerical as much as possible.
The aspirant should have thorough understanding of the syllabus and the nature of the questions asked in the entrance examination to have a right approach to the preparation of the examination coaching institutes also come handy for the students who don't have access to the resources.
The Website informs you all about the IITs, NITs and IIITs besides providing a thorough insight in to the entrance examination for such institutes. One can have an idea about the following from the website.
WHY Engineering as a stream
What if, besides the quotient of satisfaction and feeling of pride you also earn a handsome amount and reputation in the society?
Moreover if you are the one among those who look for challenging opportunities than probably, engineering is the most ideal profession to opt for.
As an aerospace engineer you have the chance of developing cryogenics technology badly needed for the country to make advances in the space research, as a Civil Engineer you have the opportunity of developing earth quake resistant houses and as an electrical engineer the challenge lies in developing superconductors.
The list is endless.
Engineering related Career Options
The Rustless Wonder- the Iron Pillar at Delhi, in the memory of Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya, is testimony to the advances made in metallurgy some 2000 years back.
But yes the study of engineering was confined to few and the scope of engineering was certainly limited.
Number of aspirants taking the engineering exams are testimony to the fact.
NNE for the sake of apprising students of the same has compiled a list of various engineering options having a great deal of potential.
Always answer the simple questions in your present days of your life in Yes/ No, to assess your engineering aptitude:
The Public Information Officer,
Subject: Application under the RTI Act, 2005
Dear Sir,
Please provide the following information with respect to the same:
1 a) Please provides me the complete documents related to Ramgovind Institue of Technology, Koderma to get approval from you.
How you ensured that Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma is fulfilling all your criteria to open an Engineering College according to the AICTE ACT.
b) What action can be taken against if these Institutes are violating Norms and regulations and for causing mental agony by Harassing, Torturing & economically to any Lecturer & staff?
What actions are taken to ensure norms and regulations in Ramgovind Institue of technology, Koderma?
2. If any violations are occurred in any Engineering College and it is informed then in how many days should such a matter be dealt with and resolved? By when will this action be taken & what are the procedures?
3. According to your rules or the Citizens Charter or any other order, in how many days should such a matter be dealt with and resolved? Please provide a copy of these rules.
4. Please give the names and designations of the officials with whom my application was lying during this period. The above officials have not adhered to the time limit mentioned in these rules. Are these officials guilty of violating these rules and hence guilty of misconduct under their conduct rules?
5. What action can be taken against these officials for violating all the above rules and for causing mental agony to the public? By when will this action be taken?
6. By when will my problem be resolved now?
7. Is it correct statement according to AICTE Act??
The institutions have to submit an undertaking in the prescribed format which is available on website: http://www.aicte.ernet.in/ in stating that the information provided is “factual” and “correct” and that the Council can take appropriate action, including withdrawal of approval and appropriate legal action if found that any information provided is false.
The decision of grant of approval is completely based on the Compliance Report, Mandatory Disclosure, Inspection Report and other documents as mentioned in the Approval Process Handbook, submitted to concerned Regional Officer.?
The Council will carry out “Random & Surprise Visits” to ensure maintenance of `Norms & Standards and Quality of technical education'.
(Violation of Norms & Standards would lead to punitive and legal actions).
Transparency by introduction of “Mandatory Disclosure” for institutions, which helps students and other stakeholder in making informed decisions.?
Extension of approval is based on “Compliance Report and Mandatory Disclosure” to build “Mutual Trust & Confidence” thereby bringing a convergence in our attempts to lead technological and socio-economic development.
If yes, then provide a copy of these rules and what actions you have taken to ensure the above rules?
2. How many times AICTE Team carry out “Random & Surprise Visits” to ensure maintenance of `Norms & Standards and Quality of technical education' in the RIT- Koderma & what were their findings?
Name all the officials with their destignationswho & when inspected the RIT- Koderma to ensure
`Norms & Standards and Quality of technical education' and what were their findings?
Please provide complete documents.
3. Please provide all documents submitted till date to AICTE by Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma, Jharkhand - 825409.
4. a. How you ensure to stop the exploitation of teaching staff?
b. What is the Norms & Regulations Lay down BY A.I.C.T.E. in Clause 10 (i), Chapter-III of the ACT, 1987.
c. How you ensure this act is not violated? Please provide a copy of these rules.
5. If any teaching staff who is harassed, tortured & exploited by any management from any Engineering College seeking your intervention, then how you resolve this type of issues?
6. a. How you ensure in Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma that the teaching and Non-teaching staffs are paid pay scales & other benefits like pension, provident fund and gratuity fixed by AICTE.
Please provide the complete documents?
b. Is it official website of Ramgovind institute of Technology, Koderma - http://www.ritk.org/
c. If yes then, how you ensured that everything mentioned in the website - www.ritk.org are accurate.
7. Was Er. Alok Kumar working as a lecturer in Ramgovind Institue of Technology, koderma as per your record? . If yes, then as per AICTE Norms, what the minimum salary should be?
(According to the details mentioned of Alok Kumar in the official website of Ramgovind Institute of technology, Koderma (http://www.ritk.org/)
8. What actions were taken till date? Provide the daily progress made on my application.
9. Please give the names and designations of the officials with whom my application was lying during this period.
10. According to your rules or the Citizens Charter or any other order, in how many days should such a matter be dealt with and resolved? Please provide a copy of these rules.
11. The officials who have not adhered to the time limit mentioned in these rules, then. Are these officials guilty of violating these rules and hence guilty of misconduct under their conduct rules?
12. What action can be taken against these officials for violating all the above rules and for causing mental agony to the public? By when will this action be taken?
13. By when will my problem be resolved now?
14. If I give you a set of concrete evidences of violations in Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma, and then what are the actions will be taken?
15. Please provide all documents submitted by Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma to get affiliation till date?
16. Is it official website of Ramgovind institute of Technology,Koderma - http://www.ritk.org/ ?
17.How you ensured that everything mentioned in the website - www.ritk.org are accurate.
18. According to your complete data, Is Alok Kumar working as a lecturer in Ramgovind Institue of Technology, koderma .
19.If yes, then as per AICTE Norms,what the minimum salary should be.
(According to the details mentioned in the official website of Ramgovind Institute of technology, Koderma)
20. Provide a copy of these rules and what actions you have taken to ensure the above rules?
21. Provide the daily progress made on my application.
22. Please give the names and designations of the officials with whom my application was lying during this period.
23. According to your rules or the Citizens Charter or any other order, in how many days should such a matter be dealt with and resolved?
Please provide a copy of these rules.
24. The above officials have not adhered to the time limit mentioned in these rules.
Are these officials guilty of violating these rules and hence guilty of misconduct under their conduct rules?
25. What action can be taken against these officials for violating all the above rules and for causing mental agony to the public? By when will this action be taken?
26. By when will my problem be resolved now?
Contact Information :
Alok Kumar, MIGH-22, Near Housing Board Office, A.P.Colony,Gaya, Bihar-823001
Email: alokfromgaya@yahoo.com, shaktishali@gmail.com , eralokkumar@sify.com
Phone: 0631-2430260
Mobile: 09470574983
Current Location: Dhanbad ,Jharkhand , India
Nationality: India
Currently studying in M.Tech ( Heat Power Engineering) at B.I.T. Sindri, Dhanbad , Jharkhand (2008-10 Batch).
Work Experience : 11 years 5 months
Skills : Mechanical Engineering
Category: Lecturer
Roles : Teacher
Previous Employer:
Mining Institute,Koderma ( Govt. Polytechnic of Jharkhand)
Ramgovind Institute of Technology, Koderma, Jharkhand
Seaworld Academy Of Marine Technology, Patna
Indian Institute of Engineering,Patna
Bharat Institute of Aeronautics,Patna
Western India Shipyard Limited, Goa
Acharya I.T.I.,Bangluru
Highest Degree : Bachelor's Degree{ Mechanical engineering}
Preferred Job Location : Anywhere in World
Current Location: Dhanbad
Personal Information
Date of Birth: 30 Dec 1973
Gender: Male
Citizenship: India
Languages: English,Hindi
Professional & Educational Details:
Work Experience : 11 years 5 months
Skills : Mechanical Engg.
Category : Production / Engg / R&D Roles :
Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering : Part Time Lecturer - BIT Sindri .
Earlier Annual Salary : Indian Rupees 240000 per annum
Previous Employer Western India Shipyard Limited,Goa
Education : B.E/B.Tech, Mechanical Engg. , Bangalore University
Preferred Job Location : Anywhere
BIHAR – 824234,
BIHARVOICE # 91-0631-2200572
FAX # 91-0631-2200572
EMAIL- info@magadhuniversity.org
Important contact:-